White Robed Monks of St. Benedict

Contemporary Monastic Application Form

Peace be with you.

Before filing this form, please be sure to have read Contemporary and Traditional Monks to insure clarity regarding the monastic structure of the White Robed Monks of St. Benedict. Thank you.

To process this Contemporary Monastic Application Form, we must have on file an active NETWORK AFFILIATIONN FORM.
If you have not received recently e-mails through the Benedictine Network, your application is inactive.
If our system shows a different e-mail address then the one offered below, this application will be flagged and not processed.
Please complete a NEW Network Affiliation Form to activate or to re-activate your Network affiliation.
We can consider only web-filed applications. No s-mailed applications, please. Thank you.

Please enter today's date:
YES, this is a NEW Contemporary Monastic Application Form I am about to submit.
YES, this is a REVISED or UPDATED Contemporary Monastic Application Form.

Please enter the following information:

Mailing Postal Address (Please be sure to keep us posted as to e-mail, phone, and/or street address changes):

Please give the name of the high school or college from which you were graduated:

Highest Diploma or Degree:   Date Granted:

Major/Field of Emphasis:    Minor/Field of Emphasis:

For additional educational experience, please enter here:

Skill Experience (Not covered in Education, open ended general topics — such as "computers/ programming," "parent/step-children," "social/dance," "Living-enjoyment" may suffice):

Please give your motivation(s) for intending to pursue a monastic life within the context of the White Robed Monks of St. Benedict:

Religion of Origin, if any:   

Current Meditation Practice:      

Yes No: I have completed a Network Affiliation Form.
Yes No: I have read and generally understand the information contained in Contemporary and Traditional Monks.
Yes No: I submit this Monastic Application form understanding I am making a preliminary commitment to engage in zazen and adopt the (Zen) Rule of St. Benedict as my daily practices.
Yes No: I have read and initially understand that I am about to enter The Way of the Monk.
Yes No: I have read and initially understand Monastic Formation.
Yes No: I have read and generally understand the information contained in Zen Christ: A Monastic Teisho.

Thank you for your application.
Many blessings to you and yours.
Peace and Joy!
The White Robed Monks of St. Benedict

Please PRINT this form for your records prior to clicking Submit.
Note: If you DO NOT receive a Thank You Notice upon submission, the CPU from which you are about to transmit this form may have a firewall that does not allow a cgi script to send a Thank You Notice-Your data has transmitted message. This is especially so if you receive a 404 error notice saying "File cannot be found." All is well. Your information has probably transmitted. If you receive "File cannot be found.," please hit REFRESH and the Thank You Notice should appear.

In any case, as added insurance, we strongly recommend that you send a separate e-mail to Web Master with Subject being Monastic Aplication and in message area: your contact e-mail, Last Name, and phone number. We will confirm within 24 hours whether or not we received your application. Thank you.

Type the number:

The Order's Brochure
The Network's Brochure

White Robed Monks of St. Benedict
Post Office Box 27536
San Francisco CA 94127-0536 USA
Phone: 415-292-3228
Page URL: http://www.wrmosb.org/monkap1.html
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