White Robed Monks of St. Benedict

NOTE: Under the copywrite of Neti Net Media, LLC. and with permission,
the following abstracts appear from the Program and Research Abstracts prepared for
the Science and Nonduality Conference,
held in San Rafael, California, USA, October 21-25, 2009, Thank you.

5.0000 Neuroscience

5.0100 Anesthesia
5.0200 Cellular and sub-neural processes
5.0300 Emotion
5.0400 Memory and learning
5.0500 Miscellaneous
5.0600 Motor control
5.0700 Neural correlates of Nonduality
5.0701 A mathematical model of nonduality of mind and matter based on empirical findings
Matti Bergstrom, Pia Ikonen (Medical, University of Helsinki)
The mathematical number theory says that the real and imaginary numbers are special aspects of the complex numbers, which are the basic numbers. The same situation concerns subjective quantities of human brain, where the space of the Self is a complex number space handling the brain stem imaginary and the cortical real number quantities melted together to one and the same subjective COMPLEX NUMBER QUANTITY (Bergstrom 1964). This is so far an interesting result since the brain stem arousal effect is a mental force arousing the brain to consciousness, and the cortical effect is due to the physico-material force acting from the environment via the sensory organs to the brain. The two forces, the first an imaginary number force and the second a real number force, meet in the limbic system, that can be considered to form our neuro-mental Self, since it containes centres for emotion and for evaluative opinions. The limbic neuro-mental Self can be presented as a two-dimensional, Mandelbrot space, the one, psychic dimension being represented by imaginary numbers, the other, physical dimension, being represented by real numbers. It was then observed that the iterating Julia equation, applying in the Mandelbrot complex number space, rather well could express the thoughts of a subject being given a simple proposition (Bergstrom and Ikonen 2005). The thoughts were expressed semantically with concepts of the dimensions (belief, knowledge) and of the proposition (see publication). All this shows that the mathematical number theory applies to the function of the neuro-mental Self of our brain , and that hereby the mental and the material effects are forming a NONDUAL content. The result suits the opinion of the physicist David Bohm, who considered the material and the mental forming one and the same thing (discussion with Bohm, and publication by Bergstrom and Ikonen 2006.
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5.0702 Objective Psyche, Subjective Physics and Subjective Psyche
Johann Ge Moll (Department of Psychiatry, Hospital Karlucovo, Medical Academy Sofia, Bulgaria)
There is, in the brain, a primordial interconnectedness of everything with everything, which we call "unconscious-preverbal-prelogical- preontological-nihilistic Synthesis - Omni-Internexus - Omni-Intersignum — that has behavior as World-Nihilistic Syntax and appears in our brains as Energetic Thought and Energetic Semioticalness of Corpus Collosum; where elementary particles become equal to Signs that appear in our mind as Omni-Interpredication and Omni-Intermetaphorization. The World Nihilistic Syntaxis as Omni-Interontos reflects in the Corpus Collosum as Omni-Intersignum. By self-disintegration the Objective Psyche diverges and bifurcates into Subjective Psyche and Subjective Physics. Gravity Forces and Memory forces are two different manifestations of World Symmetric Impulse. Anti-Gravity Forces and Fortuity-Fantasy Forces are two different manifestations of World Asymmetric Impulse. World Symmetric Impulse creats Memoria Mundi and Self-identical positive finite Space and Information. World Asymmetric Impulse as subject of Difference creats Fantasia-Fortuity Mundi and Non-selfidentical negative infinite Energy and Time. By Asymmetric Anti-gravity Impulse energy escapes from information.By Symmetric Gravity Impulse energy returns to information. When Energy escapes from Information universe is born.When Energy returns to Information universe dies as black hole . The Objective Chance of the Universe appears in our brain as Subjective Fantasy. Furthermore, Space ( ; geometry) appears in our minds as Intellect hence, one can consider Space as World intellect, . As well, Time appears in our minds as Emotion—(Excitement- Horme); , i.e., Time is World Emotion and Emotion is Micro-Time. Universe is locked within the Perceptory Cell What we should not forget is the fact that the Quantum itself is not primordial, but Secondary. This is so because every time each Quantum occurs again and is created in the act in which the non-energetic Form (Idea-Information) cuts the primordial Continual Omni-directed Omni-propagated non-local Infinite Energy into portions by locking each Portion of Energy into a unit "Form" or a unit "Bit" We can say that:Each Quantum dissociated into Unit Bit + Unit Energy.
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5.0703 Not-self in the brain
Rick Hanson" (Wellspring Institute for Neuroscience and Contemplative Wisdom)
Conventionally, people regard the apparent self- the personal "I" - as unified, stable, and independent. But in the brain, the representations of the self, as well as self-related functions (e.g., identification, ownership, agency), are widely distributed, variable and transient, and dependent on multiple networks of conditions. In essence, a self is like a unicorn: real patterns in the mind/brain represent an unreal creature. This neuropsychological finding is consistent with the deep insights of Buddhism into the "emptiness" of the apparent self. Interestingly, certain mindfulness practices activate cortical networks in the sides of the brain that are dissociated from the mid-line networks that are centrally involved in self-referenced processing: in the construction of "I, me, and mine," We will explore several experiential ways to activate those lateral networks and thus nurture the neural underpinnings of a more spacious, unattached, in-the-moment, and relatively self-less mode of being.
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5.0704 Zero-lag alpha EEG phase synchrony during Transcendental Meditation: a portal to no n-dual quantum functioning
RussellHebert, Tan, Gabriel (Anesthesiology Care Line, VA Medical Center Houston)
Researchers, HammerofFand Penrose, Umezawa, Tuszynski and others, have been postulating that the brain could be somehow coaxed into macroscopic quantum coherence (MQC) through the long-range collective behavior of neurons, but heretofore a holistic style of brain functioning had not been found. Since Eastern world views seem to be more in line with a quantum physics, non-dualistic, holistic world view, as EEG researchers we decided to look at the way the brain works during an eastern practice called transcendental meditation (TM) to see if it's claim of producing a holistic style of functioning offered any evidence to support what these researchers have been exploring. We looked at 15 long-term TM practitioners and found unique in-phase standing alpha waves that had never been described before. Alpha standing waves have been reported during working memory experiments, but these are anti-phase in character; with the frontal brain being 180 degrees out of phase with the back. We found that the wavelength of alpha (-25 cm) matched the longitudinal distance across the brain's surface. This favors the development of both types of standing waves. However, the in-phase standing waves indicate that during TM at times the cortex literally becomes holistic in function. We concluded that something unique is going on during TM. The findings favored the conditions for the development of MQC. Physicists explain that in physical systems different methods induce MQC whether it is lowering the temperature (superfluidity, superconductivity), phononic jiggling (quantum tunneling) or stimulating photons (lasers). We postulate that TMs process of "transcending" creates the EEG patterns that unify and quiet the brain to the extent that MQC could amplify up to the cortical surface. Is TM's transcendence is the experience of quantum consciousness and the bridge to the classical/quantum paradigm shift? We solicit ideas to test for quantum functioning during "transcendence".
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5.0705 Influence of Nondual Awareness on the Functioning of And-Correlated Intrinsic and Extrinsic Networks in the Brain
Zoran Josipovic, David J.Heeger (Psychology, New York University)
Globally distributed anti-correlated networks in the brain, the task-specific extrinsic and the task-negative intrinsic network, have been the focus of considerable research interest recently. Previous work has found the activity in the intrinsic system during rest to be anti-correlated with that of the extrinsic system, regions that typically exhibit response increases during goal-directed task performance. While the overall task-positive extrinsic network has been fairly well defined in relation to a variety of cognitive tasks, critical questions remain regarding the functional significance of the default network. In particular, the questions concerning its cognitive function, its relation to the sense of self, and what if any role it plays in generating awareness. Nondual awareness presents a unique opportunity to study the functioning of the intrinsic/extrinsic networks in the brain., as it cognizes everything without dividing the field of experience into internal vs. external, into a rigidi-fiedselfvs. other. C 10
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5.0706 The Interface of Neurological Studies and Nondual Experience
Loch Kelly
Neurological studies by d'Aquili and Newberg show some amazing parallels to changes described by adepts in nondual practices. Certain meditation practices decrease activity in the right parietal lobe, with the result being an experience described as Panoramic Awareness (Dzogchen), Big Sky Mind (Zen) and Pure Awareness (Advaita) or Oneness. Andrew Newberg has called the right parietal lobe the "Orientation Association Area," (OAA) and he says "if you could consciously decrease activity in your parietal lobe you would probably feel a brief loss or suspension of self-awareness." Self-awareness here is used to mean separate self-sense. Another area of parallel is with the thalamus. The Thalamus regulates the flow of incoming sensory information to many parts of the brain including the higher cognitive processing centers of the frontal cortex. In the three main states of consciousness, sleep, dream and waking, the thalamus and the parietal lobes act in conjunction, simultaneously increasing activity in waking and dreaming states, and simultaneously decreasing activity in dreamless sleep. However, in this natural meditation state, activity in the right parietal lobe decreases while the thalamus becomes more active. More information is coming in while the participant is reporting a reduced or no thoughts appearing from the default mode or on the conscious screen of the mind. The experience of "non-conceptual awareness" in the foreground of consciousness is as if less sensory information is coming in. The person who is experiencing this non-conceptual awareness reports that there is a new kind of knowing, a "wisdom mind", that is available without an active, conceptual processing, and that they can function better from this silent mind. NDC 6
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5.0707 Duality, nonduality, and neurotransmitter receptor systems: the architecture and evolution of the human heart and mind
Thomas Ray (Zoology, University of Oklahoma)
Duality has a singular quality, arising from the activity of the serotonin-2 receptor system, which exhibits qualities that have been described as "ego." Nonduality is the default state in the absence of the activity of the ego. The distinction between duality and nonduality will be treated as a spectrum rather than a binary condition. There are many paths away from duality. We can move away from duality and toward nonduality through two general methods: directly suppressing the serotonin-2 system, or shifting the balance away from serotonin-2 by activating other receptor systems more than serotonin-2. Such changes can be reliably produced by pharmacological manipulations, and may be achieved through meditative practices. In order to understand the full dimensionality of nonduality, we will examine the mental states and domains of human experience mediated by twenty-two different kinds of neurotransmitter receptors in a dozen groups: serotonin-2 - ego, cognitive self; serotonin-1 - pure cognition; serotonin-7 - cognitive consciousness; sigma - id, affective self; kappa - affective consciousness; mu - comfort; alpha-2 - essence; beta - joy of life; imidazoline - tenderness, compassion, forgiveness, theoty of mind; histamine - holding another's soul in your heart, persistent theory of . mind; dopamine - meaning, significance; and cannabinoid - mental protection.
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5.0800 Neural synchrony and binding
5.0900 Neuropsychology and neuropathology
5.1000 Other sensory modalities
5.1100 Pharmacology
5.1200 Quantum neurodynamics
5.1300 Sleep and waking
5.1400 Specific brain areas

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