–4.000 Prelude: Thought Creation

–3.0000  TITLE: Path of A Wizard:
A Compendium of The Mind and
Healer's Handbook for Responsible Integrity.

–2.0000 Overview

–1.0000 Letter from a Master Wizard

–0.0000 Description of Contents/Index

00.0000 Introduction
00.0010 Purpose of Introduction

00.1100 The Unified Field Theory

00.1200 Systems Theory
00.1210 Systems Theory
00.1220 The Brain
00.1230 The Mind
00.1240 Knowledge and Knowing

00.1300 Applied Phenomenology
00.1310 Phenomenology
00.1311 Descriptive Phen.
00.1312 Essential (Eidetic) Phen.
00.1313 Phen. of Appearances
00.1314 Constitutional Phen.
00.1315 Hermeneutic Phen.
00.1316 Applied Pheno.
00.1320 Mind as Energy

00.1400 Unified Field Theory Synthesis
00.1410 Function of Mind
00.1411 Emotions
00.1412 Emotions, Description

00.1500 Systems Theory Synthesis

00.1600 Phen. Synthesis
00.1610 Fear of Fear

00.1700 Unified Field, Systems Theory, &
             Phenomenological Synthesis
00.1710 Joy
00.1720 Self-Acceptance
00.1730 Behaviors of Human on Earth

00.2000 Definition of Philosophical Psychology

01.0000 Psychological Methodology

01.1000 Behaviorism
01.1100 The Methods of Behaviorism
01.1200 The Rules of Behaviorism
01.1300 The Postulates of Behaviorism

01.2000 Freudianism
01.2100 The Method of Freudianism
01.2200 The Rules of Freudianism
01.2300 The Postulates of Freudianism

01.3000 Humanism/Existentialism
01.3100 The Method of Humanism/Existentialism
01.3200 The Rules of Humanism/Existentialism
01.3300 The Postulates of Humanism/Existentialism

01.4000 Transpersonalism
01.4100 The Method of Transpersonalism
01.4200 The Rules of Transpersonalism
01.4300 The Postulates of Transpersonalism

01.5000 Metapersonalism
01.5100 The Method of Metapersonalism
01.5200 The Rules of Metapersonalism
01.5300 The Postulates of Metapersonalism

01.6000 Chinese Modes
01.6100 The Basic Buddhist Mode
01.6110 Description
01.6120 Four Nobel Truths
01.6130 Eight Fold Path

01.6200 The Essence of Buddhism

01.6300 Principles of Buddhism
01.6301 Task of the Human
01.6302 Law of Change
01.6303 Law of Change Application
01.6304 Law of Change Applied, Karma
01.6305 Law of Laws
01.6306 Life, Description
01.6307 Human Life, Purpose
01.6308 Human Life, Attainment
01.6309 Internal Concentration

01.6400 Zen Buddhist Mode
01.6410 Zen Practice
01.6420 Basic Zen Mantra

01.6500 Tibetan Buddhist Mode
01.6510 Tibetan Practice
01.6520 Basic Tibetan Mantra

01.6600 Buddhist Compassionate Remembrance

02.0000 Criteria of Mentality
02.0100 Criterion, Definition
02.0200 Mentality, Definition

02.1000 Nature of Mind
02.1100 Mind, General Connotations
02.1200 Mind as Pure Self-Nature
02.1300 Human Mind
02.1400 The Moral Mind

02.2000 Functional Aspects of Mind
02.2100 Perceiving

02.2200 Imagining

02.2300 Remembering

02.2400 Feeling
02.2410 Feeling as a Mental Process
02.2420 Western Conceptions
02.2430 Chinese Conceptions
02.2440 Tibetan Buddhist Conceptions

02.2500 Willing
02.2510 Willing, Active
02.2520 Willing, Passive
02.2530 Willing, Eastern

02.2600 Hoping

02.2700 Believing
02.2710 Believing/Not Knowing
02.2720 Believing, Mental Process
02.2730 Believing, Modes of
02.2740 Believing/Not Awareness

02.2800 Trusting
02.2810 Trusting, Mental Process
02.2820 Trusting, Bonding
02.2830 Trusting, Truth

02.2900 Concentrating
02.2910 Concentrating, Focusing
02.2920 Concentrating, Object
02.2930 Concentrating, Active and Passive
02.2940 Concentrating, Tibetan Practice
02.2950 Concentrating, Letting go

02.2100 Insight

02.3000 Contential Aspects of Mind
02.3100 Sense Data
02.3110 Sense Data, Domain of Senses
02.3120 Sense Data, Classical Categories of
02.3130 Sense Data, Metapersonal Psychology
02.3140 Sense Data, Internal/External

02.3200 Images and Other Contents of Mind

03.0000 Relation Between Mind and Consciousness
03.1000 Consciousness
03.1100 Consciousness, Nature of
03.1200 Consciousness, Light Spectrum of
03.1300 Consciousness, Ultra-consciousness
03.1400 Consciousness, Transcendental
03.1500 Consciousness, Super-normal
03.1600 Consciousness, Typical
03.1700 Consciousness, Sub-conscious
03.1800 Consciousness, Infra-consciousness
03.1900 Consciousness, Synthesis of

03.2000 Act of Consciousness
03.2010 Act/Actor
03.2100 Act/Life

03.3000 The Content of Consciousness
03.3100 Content as Mass
03.3200 Act as Energy

03.4000 The Function of Consciousness
03.4100 Cognition
03.4110 Cognition, Two-fold Modality
03.4120 Cognition, Competence

03.4130 Multiple Intelligences

03.4200 Affection

03.4300 Conation
03.4310 Conation, Intentionality
03.4320 Conation, Conscious Intentionality
03.4330 Conation, Stating Purpose
03.4340 Conation, Formatting Environment
03.4350 Conation, Levels of
03.4360 Conation, Creation
03.4370 Conation, Process of

03.5000 Consciousness-Only School
03.5100 Eight Consciousnesses
03.5200 Threefold Transformational Process
03.5300 Four Functional Components of Consciousness

03.6000 Japanese School of Hara

03.7000 Concluding Remarks on Consciousness
03.7010 Consciousness as Human Experience
03.7020 Consciousness as Absolute Unity

04.0000 Existence of Unconscious or Subconscious Mind
04.0100 Existence, Definition
04.0200 Existence, Two Modes
04.0300 Existence, Existence in
04.1000 The Unconscious Mind

04.2000 The Sub-conscious Mind

04.3000 Concluding Remarks
04.3100 Modes of Existence of Either Mind
04.3200 Either as Distinct Expressions of Mind

05.0000 The Structure of the Mind
05.0100 Structure, Definition of

05.1000 Western Conceptions of the Mind's Structure
05.1100 Mind-Dust Theory
05.1200 Mind-Stuff Theory
05.1300 Gestalt Theory
05.1400 Systems Theory

05.2000 Eastern Conceptions of the Mind's Structure
05.2100 Shao Yung's Theory
05.2200 Hsun Tun's Theory
05.2300 T'ien T'ai's Theory
05.2400 Chang Tsai's Theory

05.3000 Concluding Remarks on the Mind's Structure
05.3100 Mind as Mirror

06.0000 Genesis of Mind
06.1000 The Mind-Dust Theory
06.2000 Emergent Mentalism
06.3000 Systems Theory
06.4000 Concluding Remarks on Genesis of Mind
06.4010 Mind as Theoretical Construct
06.4020 Source of Theoretical Construct
06.4100 Source of Sourcing
06.4200 Genesis of Mind as Self-Generation

07.0000 The Nature of Self
07.0010 Nature, Definition of
07.0020 Self, Definition of

07.1000 Ego
07.1100 Empirical Ego
07.1200 Pure Ego
07.1210 Soul Theory
07.1220 Transcendental Theory
07.1230 System Theory

07.2000 Self
07.2100 The Self as all that is "not-me"
07.2200 The Self as qualitative and unique
07.2300 The Self as metaphysical, unifying principle
07.2400 Existence of the Self
07.2500 Ambiguous Sense of Self
07.2600 Consciousness-Only School
07.2610 Theories of Self
07.2620 The Self and Thought
07.2630 The Self and Function
07.2640 The Self as Object of Self
07.2650 Self as Non-self
07.2660 Concluding Remarks on Consciousness-Only School

07.3000 Personal Identity

07.4000 Soul
07.4100 The Platonic Soul
07.4110 Immaterial Agent
07.4120 Tripartite Division of The Soul
07.4130 The Soul and Sensation

07.4200 The Aristotelian Soul
07.4210 "The Principle of Life"
07.4220 Activity of Rational Soul
07.4230 The Entelechy

07.4300 Scholasticism
07.4310 Simple Spiritual Substance
07.4320 Etiology of Soul

07.4330 Conceptual Evolution
07.4331 Platonic Dualism
07.4332 Aristotelian Hylomorphic Theory
07.4333 Aristotelian-Thomistic Theory
07.4334 Types of Souls

07.4400 The Soul-Substance Theory

07.4500 The Chinese System
07.4510 General Considerations
07.4520 Correlation with Western Conceptions

07.4600 A Phenomenological Perspective (Hegel)
07.4610 Subsisting between Being and Actualizing
07.4620 Recapitulation

07.5000 Concluding Remarks/Nature of The Self
07.5010 Propositional Existence
07.5020 Looking at Mind from Mind

07.5100 The Phen. of Notion
07.5110 Reality of Notion
07.5120 Etiology of Notion

07.5200 The Phen. of the Notion of the Self
07.5210 Subjectivity & Objectivity, Experience of Unity of
07.5220 Annihilation, Experience of
07.5230 Being in the Actual World

07.5300 The Phen. of Zen on Husserl's Notion of Self
07.5310 Emptiness

07.5400 Hermeneutic Phen. of Who the Self Is
07.5410 Hermeneutic Phen. of What the Self Is
07.5420 Hermeneutic Phen. of How the Self Is
07.5430 Hermeneutic Phen. of When the Self Is
07.5440 Hermeneutic Phen. of Where the Self Is
07.5450 Hermeneutic Phen. of Why the Self Is

08.0000 The Mind-Body Relation
08.0010 The Mind-Body Relation, Perceptual Viewpoint of
08.0020 The Mind-Body Relation, Phen. Experience of

08.0100 Overview of Theories of The Mind-Body Relation
08.0200 Phen. of Appearances

08.1000 Materialistic Theories of Mind-Body Relation
08.2000 Functionalistic Theories of Mind-Body Relation
08.3000 Spiritualistic Theories of Mind-Body Relation
08.4000 Concluding Remarks on the Mind-Body Relation

09.0000 Freedom of the Will
09.0010 Freedom, Definition of
09.0020 Free, Definition of
09.0030 Freedom and Liberty
09.0040 Self-Reliance, Definition of

09.1000 General Overview/Freedom/Free Will
09.1100 Indeterminism
09.1200 Determinism
09.1300 Fatalism
09.1400 Positivism
09.1500 Newtonian View

09.2000 Conceptual Clarifications

09.3000 Determinism
09.3100 Newtonian View/The Copenhagen Interpretation
09.3200 Volition
09.3300 Universe as Great Machine

09.4000 Precursors of Quantum Mechanics

09.5000 Quantum Mechanics
09.5010 Quantum Mechanics, Description of
09.5020 The Uncertainty Principle
09.5030 Humans in a Quantum Universe

09.5100 Quantum Mechanics, Implications of
09.5200 Particles as Tendencies to Exist
09.5300 Reality as Possibility
09.5400 Interdependence of All Things
09.5500 Everything as Symbol
09.5600 No Descriptions of Reality
09.5700 Reality

09.6000 Quantum Mechanics and The Universe
09.6100 Discovery as Creation
09.6200 Parts as the Whole
09.6300 Gravitational Fields as Mental Creations
09.6400 Meaning of Activity/Absolute Cognition
09.6500 Creation of Reality
09.6600 How the Universe is Real
09.6700 Ultimate Conclusion

09.7000 Quantum Mechanics and Perception
09.7010 Two General Intellectual Preferences

09.7100 Essences
09.7200 Physical Concepts
09.7300 Observation
09.7400 Actualization of The Universe
09.7500 Zen-like Perception
09.7600 Concepts as Veils of Ignorance
09.7700 Unity in Perception
09.7800 Perceiving Changes the Perceived

09.8000 Thought in Quantum Mechanics
09.8010 Impossibility of Isolated Reasoning
09.8020 Impossibility of Observing
09.8030 Force of Unconscious Contradictions
09.8040 The Copenhagen Interpretation

09.8100 Either/Or Thinking
09.8200 Rules of Mind and World

09.9000 Concluding Remarks on Freedom of the Will
09.9001 Freedom and Free Will in Moment of Perception
09.9010 Cartesian Influence
09.9020 Dewey's Influence
09.9030 Freud's Influence
09.9040 Skinner's Influence
09.9100 Newtonian Universe
09.9200 Quantum Universe
09.9300 Quantum Mechanics
09.9400 Existence of Free Will and Nonsense
09.9500 "Are We Free?"

10.0000 Mind and Cognition
10.0100 The Human Brain

10.1000 The Human Mind: A System Theory Viewpoint
10.1100 Component Structure of the Brain
10.1200 Mind as Dynamic Self-organization
10.1300 The Reptilian Brain

10.1400 The Paleomammalian Brain or Limbic System
10.1410 Subsystems of the Limbic System
10.1420 Limbic System and Information Processing
10.1430 The Reflexive Mind
10.1440 Apperception
10.1450 Responsibility for Perceptions

10.1500 The Neomammalian Brain
10.1600 Integration of Triune Brain: Informing the Structure

10.2000 Human Cognition
10.2100 Thinking Styles
10.2110 Synthesist Mode
10.2120 The Idealist Mode
10.2130 The Pragmatist Mode
10.2140 The Analyst Mode
10.2150 The Realist Mode
10.2160 Summary Remarks

10.3000 Critical Thinking
10.3100 Definition of Critical Thinking
10.3200 Critical Thinking: Internal Domain of Familiar Experience

10.3300 Critical Thinking: Domain of Unfamiliar Experience
10.3310 Philosophical Viewpoint
10.3320 Psychological Viewpoint
10.3330 Educational Viewpoint

10.3400 Critical Thinking: Domain of External World
10.3410 Philosophical Approach
10.3420 Psychological Approach
10.3430 Educational Approach
10.3500 Summary

10.4000 Effective Thinking
10.4100 Cognition: System's View
10.4200 Cognition: Emotion
10.4300 Cognition: Complexity
10.4400 Cognition: Characteristics of Effectiveness
10.4500 Cognition: Degree of Efficiency
10.4600 Cognition: Systems View of Thinking

11.0000 Responsible Integrity
11.0100 Phen. of Homo Sapiens

11.1000 Phen. of Wholeness
11.1010 Phen. of Wholeness as Evolutionary

11.1100 Phen. of Unity in Wholeness

11.1200 Basic Polarity Splits
11.1210 The Shadow-Persona Split
11.1220 Mind-Thought-Body Split
11.1230 Self-Other Split
11.1231 Experience as a Total Organism
11.1232 Banal Scripts of Females and Males
11.1240 The Witness-Witnessed Split

11.1300 At-One-Ment

11.2000 Phen. of Openness

11.3000 Phen. of a Synergetic Universe

11.4000 Phen. of System's View of Nature and Life

11.5000 Phen. of Integrated Perception
11.5100 Phen. of Information Processing Systems
11.5110 Process of Information Processing
11.5120 Two Human Buffering Systems
11.5130 Pattern-Recognition Program
11.5200 Phen. of Attention in Perception

11.6000 Phen. of Human Being
11.6100 The Basic Structure of Human Being

11.6200 Phen. of Human Body
11.6210 Human Body as Incarnate Being

11.6300 Phen. of a Healthy/Fit Human Body
11.6310 Essential Unity of Body, Mind, Spirit
11.6320 Direct Responsibility for Fitness
11.6321 Aerobics
11.6322 Flexibility
11.6323 Strength
11.6324 Balance
11.6325 Coordination
11.6326 Relaxation
11.6327 Concentration
11.6328 Competition
11.6329 Nutrition
11.6330 Life Skills

11.6400 Phen. of Human Sexuality and Love
11.6410 Physiological and Ethical Dimensions of
              Human Sexuality
11.6420 Chemical Basis of "Falling in Love"
11.6430 Love as Reflection of Egocentricity

11.7000 Phen. of Integrated Human Personality Structure
11.7100 Phen. of Personality Integration
11.7110 Intersubsystem Communication
11.7120 Clear Perception of Reality
11.7130 Rich Communicative Ability
11.7140 Inner Directed
11.7150 The "Mutable Self"

11.8000 Phen. of Integrated Personality Configuration
11.8010 Penetration of Moment with Knowing Acumen

11.8100 Phen. of Core Personality Configuration
11.8110 Operational Perceptual Filters: Core Personality
11.8111 Self-Actualizing Filter
11.8112 Humanistic Filter
11.8113 Affiliative Filter
11.8114 Competent Filter
11.8115 Achievement Filter

11.8120 Operational Perceptual Filters: Personality Orientation
11.8121 Thinking Orientation
11.8122 Time Orientation
11.8123 Sensory and Time Orientation
11.8124 Intuitive Orientation
11.8125 Feeling Orientation

11.9000 A Demonstration of Responsible Integrity
11.9010 Metapersonal Psychological Presuppositions

11.9100 Phen. of Genius
11.9200 Phen. of Responsibility of Being-in-the-world
              with Full Integrity,
              Penetrating the Moment with Knowing Acumen
11.9300 Homo Progressivus/Homo Unus
11.9400 Author's Addendum

12.0000 Synthesis of the Path

13.0000 References
QUICK Reference MAP
00.0000 Introduction
00.1100 Unified Field Theory
00.1200 Systems Theory
00.1300 Applied Phenolenology
00.1400 Unified Field Theory Synthesis
00.1500 Systems Theory Synthesis
00.1600 Phenomenological Synthesis
00.1700 UFT, ST, Phen. Synthesis
00.2000 Definition of Philosophical Psychology
01.0000 Psychological Methodology
01.1000 Behaviorism
01.2000 Freudianism
01.3000 Humanism/Existentialism
01.4000 Transpersonalism
01.5000 Metapersonalism
01.6000 Chinese Modes
02.0000 Criteria of Mentality
02.1000 Nature of Mind
02.2000 Functional Aspects of Mind
02.3000 Contential Aspects of Mind
03.0000 Relation between Mind and Consciousness
03.1000 Consciousness
03.2000 Act of Conscousness
03.3000 Content of Consciousness
03.4000 Function of Conscioussness
03.5000 Consciousness-Only School
03.6000 Japanese School of Hara
03.7000 Concluding Remarks on Consciousness
04.0000 Existence of Un/Subconscious Mind
04.1000 Unconscious Mind
04.2000 Subconscious Mind
04.3000 Concluding Remarks
05.0000 Structure of the Mind
05.1000 Western Conceptions
05.2000 Eastern Conceptions
05.3000 Concluding Remarks
06.0000 Genesis of Mind
06.1000 Mind-Dust Theory
06.2000 Emergent Mentalism
06.3000 Systems Theory
06.4000 Concluding Remarks
07.0000 Nature of Self
07.1000 Ego
07.2000 Self
07.3000 Personal Identity
07.4000 Soul
07.5000 Concluding Remarks (Self)
08.0000 Mind-Body Relation
08.1000 Materialistic Theories
08.2000 Functionalistic Theories
08.3000 Spiritualistic Theories
08.4000 Concluding Remarks M-B R
09.0000 Freedom of the Will
09.1000 Overview of Viewpoints FoW
09.2000 Conceptual Clarifications
09.3000 Determinism
09.4000 Precursors of Quantum Mechanics
09.5000 Quantum Mechanics
09.6000 Quantum Mechanics and Universe
09.7000 Quantum MEchanics and Perception
09.8000 Thought and Quantum Mechanics
09.9000 Concluding Thoughts on Freedom of Will
10.0000 Mind and Cognition
10.1000 Human Mind: System Theory View
10.2000 Human Cognition
10.3000 Critical Thinking
10.4000 Effective Thinking
11.0000 Responsible Integrity
11.1000 Phen. of Wholeness
11.2000 Phen. of Openness
11.3000 Phen. of Synergistic Universe
11.4000 Phen. of System's Viewpoint Nature/Life
11.5000 Phen. of Integrated Percpetion
11.6000 Phen. of Human Being
11.7000 Phen of Integrated Human Personality
11.8000 Phen of Integrated Personality
11.9000 Demonstration of Responsible Integrity
12.0000 Synthesis
13.0000 References

Thought Creation

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