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Christian Scripture ¦ Historical Studies ¦ Systematic Theology
Pastoral Theology ¦ Ministerial Growth & Development

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Christian Scripture

According to the Catholic myth, the words of the Bible have been entrusted to the community of believers, to the Church of Christ, in order to nourish faith and guide the life of charity. (The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church, Pontifical Biblical Commission, 1993, #10) As such, we use a variety of contemporary methods of interpretation, especially phenomenology, to unfold but one meaning of the Bible for the community of seekers that they may come to know, to sense and experience, themselves individually and collectively as children of God and heirs of heaven, sharing in the Eucharistic banquet and enlightened by The Word, Scripture. CS 101: Critical Apprehension of Scripture (2 MS)

  1. Discuss various methods of scriptural investigation, criticism and analysis from the Catholic, Protestant, and one other non-Christian tradition.
  2. With reflecting about a) scripture, b) pastoral experiences, c) moral decision-making, and d) one's own spiritual life and spiritual life in general, apply these exegetical applications to both the Old and New Testaments. How may these various methods offer unfoldment in one's experience of God in each domain listed?
  3. Compare and contrast your own experience of God and with a traditional, mainline interpretation of God as defined by an institutional church.
  4. What is your Catholic understanding of Christian Scripture?
  5. Discuss the relevancy of Scriptural Exegesis with The Beatitudes (Matthew 5, 1-12) and 1 Corinthians 12, 31-13, 8.

CS 102: Synoptic Gospels (3 MS)

  1. What is theological richness? Discuss your experience of the possible theological richness in Matthew, Mark, and Luke.
  2. What are the literary emphasizes in Mathew, Mark, and Luke and what possible relevancies do these emphasizes have in today's world? in your own life? in the life of your family?
  3. Discuss each of the Synoptic Gospel's major themes: a) discipleship, b) faith, c) the Galilean ministry, d) Eucharist, e) journey to Jerusalem, f) passion, g) death and resurrection of Jesus in light of the community situations of the primitive churches for whom each Gospel author wrote.
  4. What is the supposed myth and the alleged reality about the historical Jesus contained the Synoptic Gospels?
  5. What is your experience of Jesus as offered in the Synoptic Gospels? Would this Jesus be at home in a RAVE? In the Oval Office of the President of the USA? in a neighborhood bar? in a corporate board room? in an operating theatre? in a shower? bathroom? gym? next car? Who is this Jesus as related to you, if at all?
  6. Discuss is the reality of Jesus as portrayed in the Synoptic Gospels, given Q?
  7. Discuss the relevancy of The Synoptic Gospels with The Beatitudes (Matthew 5, 1-12) and 1 Corinthians 12, 31-13, 8.

CS 201: The Pentateuch (2 MS)

  1. Delimit then discuss the literary unity of the Pentateuch itself.
  2. Discuss The Law.
  3. Discuss some of the strengths and limitations of historical-critical criticism by selecting specific passages in the Pentateuch.
  4. Relate the theme of a) Beginning, b) Redemption, c) Holiness, d) Wandering, and e) Review found in the Pentateuch to your own personal human experience being human.
  5. Discuss the relevancy of The Pentateuch with The Beatitudes (Matthew 5, 1-12) and 1 Corinthians 12, 31-13, 8.
CS 202: Historical Books of the Old Testament (2 MS)

  1. Briefly describe the political life of the Israelite people storied in the Deuteronomic and Chronicles histories.
  2. Discuss how Israel come to conceived itself as a chosen people of God.
  3. Discuss how the concepts of covenant, kinship, prophetic influence, obedience and land came to be of a great influence in the mind of the people then and possibly today.
  4. Trace then reflect on how the metaphor of a God feeding His people with His divine word, backed up with great deeds within a land flowing with milk and honey brought about a political cohesion that empowered the people.
  5. Reflect how the History of the People of Israel influences, perhaps unknowingly at this time, your own conception of yourself, your belief systems, and the world within which you live.
  6. Discuss the relevancy of The Historical Books of the Old Testament with The Beatitudes (Matthew 5, 1-12) and 1 Corinthians 12, 31-13, 8.

CS 203: Psalms (2 MS)

  1. Search out and explain how the Psalms played a role in of Israel's liturgical celebrations.
  2. What are various a) theological themes, b) literary types of the psalms and discuss how these themes and types may have relevance in your own life and human life in general.
  3. What is the a) historical and b) socio-cultural background of the Psalter?
  4. Brief describe and discuss the divisions of the Book of Psalms and its poetic genre.
  5. Discuss and research how the Psalms in Gregorian Chant have found their way into contemporary culture with artists such as Enya and how the Psalms may influence contemporary life as a source of solace and healing.
  6. Discuss the relevancy of The Psalms with The Beatitudes (Matthew 5, 1-12) and 1 Corinthians 12, 31-13, 8.

CS 301: Pauline Writings (2 MS)

  1. Identify recurring Pauline themes in the above Letters of Paul. Discuss how each theme relates to your understanding of the Christian experience in the West today.
  2. Who is the person Paul and how did his Jewish and Hellenistic background influence his understanding of then historical Jesus and his Christian experience?
  3. What are the challenges that faced Paul, politically in terms of The Empire and socially in terms of each of the communities he addressed? Discuss the similarities and differences Paul might find today if he was spreading The Word today.
  4. Discuss Paul's understanding of the Church and church, particularly as he expressed his vision in 1 Corinthians. Discuss the possibility that Paul may have been the actual founder of what we know of Christianity today. Relate, if possible, Paul's theme to the incidence of guilt, shame, and blame often reminiscent of the institutional Catholic experience.
  5. Analyze how in Paul some may find a foundational expression of communion ecclesiology.
  6. Speculate: If you were Paul, describe what you would have done in terms of the growing Christian experience if you were in his shoes. How would your chosen actions then possibly influence today's expression of the Catholic-Christian experience, both in the Catholic and Protestant frameset.
  7. Discuss the relevancy of The Pauline Writings with The Beatitudes (Matthew 5, 1-12) and Paul's own 1 Corinthians 12, 31-13, 8.
CS 302: Prophetic Literature (2 MS)

  1. What is the conventional meaning of the word prophecy? Given various religious backgrounds discuss the historical development of prophecy, including both from several religious traditions prophets and the more familiar Judeo(-Christian) prophets of the Old Testament.
  2. What are the characteristics of prophecy and what were some of the contributions of Israel's prophets to the life of individuals and the communities to whom they preached? Discuss their present day influence, if any, in the world scene today, superficially in Israel.
  3. Relate to the present day the themes relevant to all prophets: covenant, repentance, punishment for disobedience, courtroom speeches, rewards for faithfulness, exile, hope, eschatological realities.
  4. Discuss the possible relevance of prophecy and its message in light of the New Testament in general and the life of the Christian in a pluralistic society today.
  5. Discuss the relevancy of The Prophetic Literature with The Beatitudes (Matthew 5, 1-12) and 1 Corinthians 12, 31-13, 8.

CS 401: Johnannine Writings (2 MS)

  1. Discuss in depth the importance and influence of John's Gospel on the Christian community from the Fathers of the Church to the present day.
  2. Compare and contrast John's Gospel with the Synoptic Gospels viewed in light of the high Christology of the Johnannine community.
  3. Describe and then relate to today's space-time John's Christology, Ecclesiology, and Sacramental theology, especially Eucharist and Baptism.
  4. What is the Gospel of John's message to you? Elaborate.
  5. Discuss the relevancy of The Johnannine Writings with The Beatitudes (Matthew 5, 1-12) and 1 Corinthians 12, 31-13, 8.

Christian Scripture ¦ Historical Studies ¦ Systematic Theology
Pastoral Theology ¦ Ministerial Growth & Development

White Robed Monks of St. Benedict
Post Office Box 27536
San Francisco CA 94127-0536 USA
Phone: 415-292-3228
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